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The contract procurement process includes the procedures followed by a business when purchasing services or products. read more
A contract for deed California involves financing a home for three to five years. read more
Consulting contract work is undertaken by specialists or a recognized authority in a specific field. read more
A consideration is a legal term used to describe the exchange of something of value for something else or for a service. read more

Connecticut LLC Business Entity Tax

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Connecticut LLC business entity tax is part of the Public Act 18-49 bill signed into law on May 31, 2018, by the governor. read more
A confidentiality agreement for due diligence purpose is an agreement by two or more parties to keep something confidential for the purpose of due diligence. read more
A confidentiality agreement for business partners is used when you need to share critical confidential information as part of the course of business. read more
Company boilerplate examples are different versions of a written paragraph that is essentially an “about us” statement. read more
When a commercial lease late fee has to be charged, it means a renter has failed to pay on time. read more
A commercial lease agreement Washington State contains statewide restrictions on rental terms. read more